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Deal Announcement - Consumer & Retail - Petmart

IMAP is pleased to announce that BICF - IMAP Romania has advised ALTIUS on the acquisition of PETMART Online.

ALTIUS, market leader in the supply and distribution of food products and veterinary medicines, has taken control of Petmart Online, segment leader in the online distribution of animal products.

ALTIUS offers premium veterinary solutions for large livestock breeders, pet clinics, and pharmacies. In its 23 years of activity, the company has formed partnerships with the most important manufacturers worldwide, being one of the main promoters of increasing the quality of medical services in the veterinary area.

Petmart Online’s shareholders ceded a majority stake of 60% of the capital, but will continue in the management of the online retailer. The capital infusion will be used to broaden the company’s customer base and develop new services and products.

The team from BICF - IMAP Romania, led by Bogdan Iliescu and Bogdan Cimpean, advised ALTIUS on the buy side.

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