Sierra Gorda SCM

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Energy & utilities
Sierra Gorda SCM
A new copper mine in Chile. US$ 2.88 bn invesment
To contract power supply for 251 MW for 20 yrs. & the development of a new 500 MW power plant
Empresa Eléctrica Cochrane S.A.
Power generator
Advised on a bidding process to purchase long term power supply & development of a new power plant

Advised Sierra Gorda on the tendering of a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for its Sierra Gorda greenfield mining project

Advised Sierra Gorda on the tendering of a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for its Sierra Gorda greenfield mining project, including construction of a new coal-fired power plant. Empresa Eléctrica Cochrane S.A. (subsidiary of AES Gener S.A.) will supply in total 251 MW.

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