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2017: a successful year for IMAP

- 191 completed transactions worldwide (11 in Czech republic) - Transaction value increases significantly to USD 12 billion - 36% cross border deals - Established among the Top 10 M&A advisors worldwide

- 191 completed transactions worldwide (11 in Czech republic)

- Transaction value increases significantly to USD 12 billion

- 36% cross border deals

- Established among the Top 10 M&A advisors worldwide

In 2017, IMAP was able to increase the number of successfully completed transactions – from 167 to 191 worldwide. As a result, IMAP was once again among the top 10 global M&A advisors in the mid-cap segment of the Thomson Reuters Ranking. In Germany IMAP is number 7 – with 20 completed transactions in the year of its 20th anniversary.

The total value of transactions increased to over USD 12 billion, the average deal value was USD 78 million. Worldwide, 36% of IMAP transactions were cross-border; – further proof of the successful collaboration within the international group. Most transactions which IMAP advised on worldwide took place in the sectors Industrial (40), Consumer goods and Food (34) as well as Technology (27).

IMAP 2017 Deal Summary Results: click here for pdf link

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