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Deal Announcement - Healthcare - Enraf-Nonius

Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH (“Zimmer”), a leading European manufacturer of physiotherapy systems, innovative cardiologic products, diagnostic products and aesthetic products, has acquired Enraf-Nonius.

Enraf-Nonius, founded in 1925 in the Netherlands, is a market leader in physiotherapy and rehabilitation equipment and devices. The company’s product division designs, develops, manufactures and sells physiotherapy and rehabilitation equipment to customers globally. It is known for its high-quality and innovative products, perfectly designed for the end-customer. Core product categories include electrotherapy equipment, treatment tables, and medical fitness and rehabilitation equipment. Domestically, the company sells to endusers such as health centers, hospitals and therapists. Internationally, it sells its productsthrough its global distribution network to 130+ countries.

Zimmer, the German market leader in physical therapy, and world market leader in cold therapy for aesthetic medicine, is present in Germany and has more than 120 medical product consultants, selling its products in 80+ countries worldwide. It places great emphasis on research and development, fueled by practical relevance and scientific foundation.

The IMAP Netherlands team, led by Ian Bussey, Abel Spohr and Zheng Yang exclusively advised the shareholders of Enraf Nonius and supported them in preparing, negotiating and successfully closing the transaction.

Len de Jong, CEO of Enraf-Nonius, commented: “The cooperation with IMAP has been a very beneficial experience for us; they have guided us through the whole process in a very open and supporting way. I have been impressed by their extremely professional and very flexible approach, which ensured the best endresult for all parties involved. Their perseverance, personal involvement and deal creativity provided an extra dimension, enabling us to close this transaction successfully. I am extremely grateful to them.”

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