Encore Fire Protection

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Encore Fire Protection
Fire protection systems
Acquired Fire Alarm Division
Signet Electronic Systems, Inc.
Systems integrator focused on commercial and transportation systems
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Signet Electronic Systems on the sale of its Fire Alarm Division to Encore Fire Protection

Capstone Partners advised Signet Electronic Systems, Inc., a technology solutions provider, on the sale of its fire alarm division to Encore Fire Protection.


Founded in 1974, Signet has grown from a one-person installation services contractor to a 160-person complete technology solutions provider. From design, engineering, and installation of a fully independent critical technology systems to managed services, Signet delivers comprehensive technology expertise in the areas of communications, life safety, security, healthcare communications, wireless connectivity, and mission critical technologies program management.


Encore operates fire protections services throughout all of New England. Their mission is to save lives and protect property with innovative fire suppression, fire sprinkler and fire alarm solutions. They provide sole source, customer-centric fire protection and streamline service offerings across all product lines, allowing a single point of contact for customers and their fire protection needs.


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Transakcijski svetovalci

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