Wagner Holding GmbH

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Wagner Holding GmbH
Family Office
Acquired 25.01% of Business Operations
KTP Kunststoff Palettentechnik GmbH
Manufacturer of reusable packaging solutions
Advised on Purchase of Company

Advised family office Wagner Holding on the acquisition of a minority stake in KTP Kunststoff Palettentechnik

Wagner Holding acquired a 25.01% stake in KTP Holding GmbH in the course of a capital increase. KTP will use the additional liquidity to implement the strategic growth plan of the company. The main focus will be set on geographical expansion and innovative product development. All existing shareholders will keep their shares in the company. Furthermore, there will not be any changes in the executive board nor in the operational management. By entering into this new partnership, KTP has strengthened its capital base and is well positioned to maintain high rates of growth.

Kunststoff Palettentechnik GmbH, Bous, Germany

One of the leading European manufacturers of reusable transport packaging solution for large-volume and sensitive goods.

Wagner Holding GmbH, Nonnweiler, Germany

Family Office of an entrepreneurial family with a focus on mid-sized companies in promising industries in the DACH region. Provides management consulting and investment funds for sustainable, ecological and socially-acceptable businesses.


IMAP initiated the transaction on behalf of Wagner Holding and handled it in all its phases.

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Transakcijski svetovalci
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