First Eagle Investment Management

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
First Eagle Investment Management
First Eagle Holdings, Inc.
Provided Debt Financing
PE firm focused on lower middle-market services businesses
Advised on Recapitalization of Company

Advised Alpine Investors on its debt financing for AlpineX

Capstone Partners (IMAP USA) advised Alpine Investors—a leading private equity firm focusing on software and services—on the closing of a $117.5MM senior secured credit facility for AlpineX, the proceeds of which will be used to fund an acquisition, refinance the company’s existing debt, fund future acquisitions, and support ongoing working capital needs. The financing was provided by Tree Line Capital, MidCap Financial, and First Eagle Investment.


AlpineX is an investment platform focused on lower middle-market services businesses. The company acquires, builds, and operates asset-light services companies with durable customer value propositions, high-quality revenue, and attractive end markets. Backed by Alpine Investors, AlpineX helps founder-led businesses leverage Alpine’s shared expertise, capital, and world-class talent to scale to the next level and secure their legacy.

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Transakcijski svetovalci
Our business is your business growth


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