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IMAP Dealbook 2021-2022

We’re pleased to announce the release of the IMAP Dealbook 2021-2022, our annual compendium of deals across a breadth of sectors and geographies from January 2021 to August 2022.

We’re pleased to announce the release of the IMAP Dealbook 2021-2022, our annual compendium of deals across a breadth of sectors and geographies from January 2021 to August 2022.

"It makes me extremely proud, that even under the most difficult circumstances, IMAP’s global teams of advisors continue to demonstrate character, adaptability and resilience, working together to support our clients. 

This Dealbook is dedicated to the clients that consistently put their trust in us. It celebrates their successes, as well as the dedication, integrity and professionalism of our IMAP teams whose contribution ensures legacies, fundamental to the growth of society and the economy, are built and more importantly, sustained."

Jurgis V. Oniunas
IMAP Chairman

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Združitve in prevzemi v mid-market segmentu so svet priložnosti, s tem pa je povezano tudi morje možnosti in spreminjajočih se dejavnikov. Vaš svetovalec je kompas. Kontaktirajte nas za neobvezujoč posvet s strokovnjakom za združitve in prevzeme, ki bo pozorno prisluhnil vašim pomislekom in pošteno ter nepristransko ocenil najboljšo pot naprej.
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