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Verdant Capital reaches its 10th Anniversary

Verdant Capital has reached its 10th anniversary of creating exceptional value for its clients through its broad range of financial solutions and tenacity in deal-making in volatile markets. Verdant Capital is focused on private capital markets on a pan-African basis and is one of the largest firms of its type in Africa with over 30 professionals in five offices. 

Verdant Capital’s successes in completing transactions in often challenging markets, as well its focus on private capital, has led to the firm being awarded the accolade best local financial advisor of the decade by Private Equity Africa in 2022.  The firm has been consistently highly ranked in the DealMakers Africa league tables.

Landmark transactions advised by Verdant Capital over the last decade include the USD 50 million capital raise programme for Tugende (in 2020-2022), the USD 90 million capital raise for Letshego (in 2018-2019) and the USD 51 million sale of Greenbelt Fertiliser to Yara (in 2016).

In 2021 Verdant Capital expanded into investment management. The Verdant Capital Hybrid Fund, the firm’s flagship fund, had its first close in December 2021 of an amount of USD 36 million, and its targeted final close in 2024 is USD 100 million. The Verdant Capital Hybrid Fund invests hybrid capital instruments into inclusive financial institutions on a pan-African basis.  The fund is expected to be an important engine of prosperity, delivering both a commercial return to its investors and a developmental impact by supporting financial institutions which in turn support SMEs and micro-entrepreneurs, thereby creating jobs and livelihoods.   

Verdant Capital joined IMAP in 2018. IMAP is an International Mergers and Acquisitions Partnership with a 50-year track record, more than 450 M&A professionals and a presence in 46 countries. IMAP has closed over 2,100 transactions valued at $130 billion in the last 10 years and is consistently ranked among the world’s top ten M&A advisors for mid-market transactions (Refinitiv). IMAP advises primarily mid-sized companies and their shareholders on sales and acquisitions globally, providing clients with entrepreneurial, unbiased advice and successfully helping them achieve their objectives.

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