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IMAP Portugal advises Conclusion on the acquisition of Neotalent from Novabase

Conclusion is a prominent player in the Business Transformation and IT Services sector in the Netherlands, with a significant presence in Germany and Belgium

IMAP Portugal acted as exclusive financial advisor to Conclusion, a leading Dutch Business Transformation and IT service provider, on the acquisition of Portugal's foremost IT talent and service provider, Neotalent, from Novabase. This acquisition is scheduled to close in the coming months, pending the fulfilment of customary conditions precedent and the approval of the Portuguese Competition Authority.

This transaction is an important milestone for Conclusion. Neotalent's integration into the Conclusion ecosystem will facilitate collaboration and growth. The partnership leverages Neotalent's reputation and recruitment capabilities with Conclusion's strong commercial presence in the Benelux and Germany. Neotalent will retain its identity and culture while expanding further in Portugal and Spain.

Conclusion is a prominent player in the Business Transformation and IT Services sector in the Netherlands, with a significant presence in Germany and Belgium. Collectively, the Conclusion ecosystem comprises over 2,500 professionals, serving more than 500 clients and generating an impressive revenue of EUR 430 million. Their service range encompasses consulting, development, data, enterprise applications, and infrastructure.

Neotalent has over two decades of experience and offers IT talent solutions across diverse industries with a team of 800+ specialists. Operating in Portugal and Spain, they are a top IT and Engineering service partner, renowned for their technical expertise and business-driven approach.

The IMAP team in Portugal, comprising Pedro Benites, Miguel Delfino, Sofia Natário, and Gabriel Zancu, advised Conclusion throughout the M&A process, providing assistance in all phases of the deal.

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