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Capstone Partners Advised Tioga Hardwoods, Inc on the Creation of an ESOP

Tioga Hardwoods is a wholesaler of hardwoods including Cherry, Hard & Soft Maple, Red & White Oak, and more

Capstone Partners advised Tioga Hardwoods, Inc.—a leading provider of high-quality hardwood products—on the creation of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Operating out of the Northern Appalachian region near the New York and Pennsylvania border, Tioga Hardwoods is a wholesaler of hardwoods including Cherry, Hard & Soft Maple, Red & White Oak, and more. Along with superior customer service, the company also maintains a focus on sustainability and responsible forestry practices.

Crista Gilmore, Director at Capstone Partners commented

"We are pleased to help Tioga’s founders complete an ESOP, which was the ideal transaction to maintain the culture and ensure the future success of the business. An ESOP structure preserves Tioga’s expertise and elite reputation in the industry which will be perpetuated for decades to come."

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