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Philipp Crocoll strengthens the partner group at IMAP Germany

Since the beginning of April, Philipp Crocoll strengthens the partner group of IMAP M&A Consultants AG

Since the beginning of April, Philipp Crocoll strengthens the partner group of IMAP M&A Consultants AG, where he will be responsible for the structuring and implementation of national and international sell and buy side mandates in the industrial and technology sectors.

Philipp Crocoll has more than 15 years of experience in M&A advisory with special expertise in the manufacturing industries, IT services and software. Philipp joins IMAP from Commerzbank AG, where he was responsible for advising the bank’s mid-market clients in southern Germany as M&A director. He led numerous transactions involving medium-sized companies, e.g. the sale of iPoint-systems GmbH to GRO Capital A/S and the sale of Horlemann-Gruppe to Vinci S.A.. Prior, the Diplom-Kaufmann worked for PwC Germany’s M&A practice for seven years.

“We are pleased to welcome a new colleague with such extensive expertise and diverse experience to our partner group”, emphasizes Peter Koch, Managing Director IMAP M&A Consultants AG.

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