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Capstone Partners Advises Eaglestone LLC on Senior Debt Financing

Eaglestone is a holding company comprised of best-in-class energy efficiency and mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire sprinkler (MEPS) commercial contracting businesses focused on the NYC metro and surrounding areas

Capstone Partners advised Eaglestone, LLC on the closing of a senior credit facility, the proceeds of which were used to refinance existing debt, repay a bridge loan used to acquire Commonwealth Electrical Technologies (CET), and pay transaction fees. The financing, provided by BMO Harris Bank, was comprised of an unfunded revolver and a senior term loan.

Eaglestone is a holding company comprised of best-in-class energy efficiency and mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire sprinkler (MEPS) commercial contracting businesses focused on the NYC metro and surrounding areas. Today, the company operates through four divisions: Pace Companies, PJ Mechanical, New York Energy & Environmental, and CET. Eaglestone serves a variety of general contractors (GCs), commercial building owners, and developers across a diverse set of end-markets including healthcare, commercial office/corporate headquarters, life sciences, technology, public works, and infrastructure. Lean more here:

Eaglestone is majority-owned by Aterian Investment Partners, a New York-based private equity firm that manages over $1.5B of committed capital investing in industry-leading middle-market businesses.

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