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Capstone Partners Advised AAT Carriers on its Sale to Covenant Logistics

AAT Carriers specializes in transporting sensitive freight and other dangerous goods and provides dedicated service for a diverse group of government and commercial customers.

Capstone Partners advised AAT Carriers (AAT)—a prominent nationwide specialized carrier—on its acquisition by Covenant Logistics (Covenant).

Founded in 2007, AAT Carriers specializes in transporting sensitive freight and other dangerous goods and provides dedicated service for a diverse group of government and commercial customers. AAT handles all types of van, flatbed, and specialized freight.

AAT’s capabilities and experience within the industry combined with Covenant’s resources will allow Covenant to immediately expand into moving high-value, sensitive, and hazardous freight within the defense sector.

Based in Chattanooga, TN, Covenant Logistics partners with their customers to engineer value-driven solutions to their supply chain challenges through a portfolio of logistics and transportation services. Its primary capabilities are in expedited, dedicated, warehousing, and managed freight transportation.

Jeremy Shavers, President, AAT Carriers, said

"The entire Capstone team was a pleasure to deal with. From beginning to end, the guidance and expertise was top notch. We’re very grateful for such a smooth transaction."

Burke Smith, Managing Director at Capstone Partners, commented 

“Representing a company like AAT—with truly industry-leading operational metrics—is always a joy. In this case, AAT Carriers’ strategic focus on supporting critical national infrastructure and services made this an even more special experience. Covenant will be a fantastic partner to carry this legacy forward.”


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