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Vitale&Co. (IMAP Italy) advises the shareholders of Farmo Holding on sale of a minority stake to NB Aurora

Farmo group is a leader in the production of healthy, plant based and gluten-free food products for third party brands.

NB Aurora, an investment vehicle promoted by Neuberger Berman and listed on the MIV market managed by the Italian Stock Exchange, has acquired a minority stake of 47% in Farmo Holding.

The Farmo group, founded in 2000 and headquartered in Casorezzo near Milan, is a leader in the production of healthy, plant based and gluten-free food products for third party brands. Thanks to investments made in recent years, Farmo has state-of-the-art production facilities that enable it to produce pasta, bakery products and flour mixes with superior organoleptic characteristics.

Vitale acted as financial advisor to Farmo Holding and the Giai family, managing all phases of the process from the search for possible investors and structuring of the operation to the due diligence and negotiation.


Vitale&Co. (IMAP Italy) advises the shareholders of Farmo Holding on sale of a minority stake to NB Aurora

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