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Vitale & Co. advised Natfood S.p.A. on strategic partnership agreement to offer innovative solutions to the Ho.Re.Ca. channel

Natfood, is an Italian company specialized in semi-finished food&beverage products for the preparation of hot and cold drinks for the Ho.Re.Ca channel.

Natfood and the holding company of Gruppo Gimoka-Sogedai signed a strategic partnership agreement to offer to the Ho.Re.Ca. channel (bars, cafes, restaurants, hotels and caterings) innovative solutions to administer hot and cold beverages. 

Natfood, with over 20 years of relevant experience, is an Italian company based in Scandiano (RE) specialized in semi-finished food&beverage products for the preparation of hot and cold drinks for the Ho.Re.Ca channel. Over the years, Natfood has continued to expand its range of high quality products, innovative equipment and service materials, becoming today a reference point for the market and for the main Italian bars. In 2019, Natfood achieved €36m in revenues through its widespread sales network of around 300 agents serving approx. 30,000 customers throughout Italy and in approx. 30 foreign countries

Gruppo Gimoka is a leading Italian coffee making company with over 30 years of experience that retains control over the entire value chain (from sourcing raw materials to distributing the finished product in its different forms). The company can meet all market needs, offering solutions for the professional channel and for household consumption.

Vitale & Co. acted as financial advisor to Natfood S.p.A..

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