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Vitale & Co. advised Castello SGRs on its entry into the management of Serenissima SGR’s funds

The deal allows Castello SGR to consolidate its specialisation in the management of non-performing real estate assets

Castello SGR, a real estate asset management company led by Giampiero Schiavo and whose first shareholder is Oaktree, leading US alternative investment management firm, has finalised its entry into the management of Serenissima SGR’s funds.

With this transaction, Castello takes over the management of some real estate investment funds previously managed by Serenissima SGR, that hold approximately 400 million AuM, bringing the total assets under management to 3 billion across more than 40 funds.

The deal allows Castello SGR to consolidate its specialisation in the management of non-performing real estate assets and to increase its expertise in the renewable energy sector, an area in which the SGR holds 200 million assets.

Vitale & Co. acted as financial advisor for the transaction on behalf of Castello.

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