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Serficor IMAP advises Mexican microcredit company on sale of its Guatemalan subsidiary to Fundación Génesis Empresarial

Gentera is a microcredit company focused on promoting financial inclusion for vulnerable segments of the population

IMAP is pleased to announce that Mexico based financial institution Gentera, pioneer and leader in Latin America in microlending, sold its Guatemalan subsidiary, Compartamos, to Guatemalan microcredit non-profit organization, Fundación Génesis Empresarial.

Headquartered in Mexico City, Gentera is a microcredit company focused on promoting financial inclusion for vulnerable segments of the population. Gentera is a market-leading lender in its niche, both in Mexico and Latin America. As of December 2020, the company had impacted the lives of more than three million people in Mexico, Peru and Guatemala, 89% of which were women. Gentera will continue its operations in Mexico and Peru, which represented more than 95% of the business before the divestment in Guatemala.

Fundación Génesis Empresarial is a Guatemalan non-profit organization specialized in microfinance for development, serving more than 150,000 clients. Offering a wide variety of products and in alliance with national and international organizations, the company is aiming to reach one million clients in the upcoming years.

The Serficor (IMAP Mexico) team, led by Gabriel Millán and Gilberto Escobedo, advised Gentera on the sale process of its subsidiary to Fundación Génesis Empresarial.

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