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IMAP advises Recura Kliniken SE on the acquisition of Fachklinik Waldeck

Recura Kliniken SE and FuturaMed-Gesellschaft have signed an investor agreement with the aim to acquire of Fachklinik Waldeck

Recura Kliniken SE and FuturaMed-Gesellschaft für modernes Management im Gesundheitswesen GmbH have signed an investor agreement with the aim to acquire of Fachklinik Waldeck. The agreement is an essential part for a successful conclusion of the restructuring process of Fachklinik Waldeck, initiated in May 2021. The insolvency plan has already been submitted to the local court on the basis of the reached restructuring agreement.

As a family-owned company group, Recura operates specialised clinics in the fields of neurology, pneumology, thoracic surgery as well as geriatrics and has approximately 1,900 employees at six locations in Brandenburg and Saxony.

Fachklinik Waldeck is a supra-regional centre for medical rehabilitation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The rehabilitation clinic with a focus on neurology has around 200 beds and approx. 220 employees.

Georg Abel, managing director of Recura Kliniken SE: "We are pleased to welcome Fachklinik Waldeck, an experienced specialist in neurological early rehabilitation, to Recura Group. We are aware of the importance of Fachklinik Waldeck as a healthcare provider in the region. Our goal as its new operator is to continue to live up to this responsibility and maintain the clinic's good reputation in the future."

"With Recura Kliniken SE, we have not only succeeded in gaining a long-term oriented partner for our restructuring concept," said Burkhard Jung, current Managing Director of Fachklinik Waldeck. "Last but not least, Recura brings extensive industry experience in operation of special clinics to the table, which ensures the long-term success of the Schwaan site," added Jung, who is co-founder of the renowned restructuring consultancy "Restrukturierungspartner".

IMAP M&A Consultants AG with Ruta Hildebrand advised Recura Kliniken SE during the M&A process.

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