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IMAP Netherlands advises duct and tube manufacturer Weterings Plastics on its sale to Hexatronic Group

Weterings produces ducts, tubes, and hoses used for protection of cables and transportation of liquids and gases.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Hexatronic Group acquired 100% of the shares of Dutch company H. Weterings Plastics. Founded in 1945, Weterings produces ducts, tubes, and hoses used for protection of cables and transportation of liquids and gases. Fiber to the home (FTTH) represents the main market for the former application and agriculture for the latter. The company has large and variable production capacity resulting in short lead-times and high customer satisfaction.

Hexatronic Group is a group that develops, markets and delivers products, components and system solutions mainly focused on the fiber optic market.

Weterings will be integrated into the Hexatronic organization, although the three sellers, who were directors of the company, will remain in their current roles. Weterings generated €15 million in sales over the past 12 months.
The Weterings directors commented: “IMAP supported us on numerous occasions over the years in finding new perspectives on the way forward for Weterings Plastics. We have been a good match on a professional and personal level. IMAP especially proved their quality and stamina when negotiations became complex. Their informed, curious, open and frank approach led to a wonderful result for all parties involved.”

The IMAP Netherlands team, led by Balthazar den Breems, Frank Ruijgrok and Wouter Mostert, exclusively advised Weterings Plastics on the transaction.

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