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IMAP Brazil advises Companhia Sulamericana de Cerâmica on its sale to Spain-based Roca

Companhia Sulamericana de Cerâmica was previously controlled by Grupo Eternit, a Brazilian building products company.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Roca, the world’s leading producer of sanitary products and bathroom fittings, has acquired Companhia Sulamericana de Cerâmica, a Brazilian sanitaryware manufacturer. With this acquisition, Roca pushes ahead with its expansion strategy in Brazil, where it already has 11 production facilities. Companhia Sulamericana de Cerâmica was previously controlled by Grupo Eternit, a Brazilian building products company.

The acquired facility, with the capacity to produce upward of 1.4 million pieces per year, will now focus on manufacturing Roca branded products for the growing domestic market in Brazil, as well as for export to Central and North America. The facility is located in Caucaia, a city in the Fortaleza metropolitan and close to the port of Pecém.

The IMAP Brazil team, led by Daniela Pereira de Pinho and Guilherme Paulino, advised Companhia Sulamericana de Cerâmica on the sale process.

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