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IMAP advises Czech beauty and pharma products distributor Apremeda on sale to Dr. Wolff Group

Apremeda is the exclusive distributor of Dr. Wolff products in the Czech and Slovak Republics

IMAP is pleased to announce that Dr. Wolff Group, a German based manufacturer of cosmetics and pharma products, has acquired 51% of Apremeda, the exclusive distributor of Dr. Wolff products in the Czech and Slovak Republics.

Apremeda’s founder retains a 49%stake in the company and will continue in her management role.

Family-owned for over a 100 years, Dr. Wolff manufactures cosmetics and pharma products sold under the brands Alpecin, Alcina, Plantur, Karex, Bioniq® Repair-Toothpaste, Linola and Vagisan. The company has more than 750 employees and sells its products in 60+ countries worldwide, generating €340 million in revenues in 2020.
The IMAP Czechia team, led by Radek Schmied and Petr Sedlar, advised Apremeda throughout the transaction.

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