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IMAP advises the shareholders of EXA AG on the sale of a majority stake to SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE

The shareholders of software specialist EXA AG have sold 74.9% of their shares to SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE.

The shareholders of software specialist EXA AG have sold 74.9% of their shares to SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE. CEO and co-founder of EXA, Mr. Divya Vir Rastogi, will retain 25.1% of the shares.

With this acquisition, SNP is expanding its software portfolio in the SAP ecosystem and is expanding its service offering in the digital transformation space. With about 140 employees at locations in Heidelberg, India and the US, EXA is a leading provider of financial transformation solutions in the areas of operational transfer pricing and global value chain. EXA's proprietary solutions enable multinational companies to manage their supply chains and to ensure compliance of their internal transfer prices transparently and efficiently.

SNP is a leading provider of software for managing complex digital transformation processes. With its proprietary software, SNP accelerates the secure transformation of IT landscapes and data structures so that companies can adapt to the ever-faster pace of change in the markets. "EXA AG is an optimal addition to our existing services. We are strengthening our software segment, deepening value creation and can offer our customers additional solutions beyond the actual data transformation," says Michael Eberhardt, CEO of SNP.

"With this step, we are lifting EXA to the next level of development. Together with SNP, we can access important markets even faster, and we are also reinforcing our good cooperation with SAP," explains Divya Vir Rastogi.

"We are delighted that we were able to assist the shareholders of EXA find a good solution, as the high strategic fit with SNP creates an excellent environment for Mr. Rastogi and his team to accelerate the further development of the company", commented Dr. Carsten Lehmann, CEO of IMAP.

The IMAP M&A Consultants team with Dr. Carsten Lehmann, Martin Michalek and Mehmet Koc exclusively advised the shareholders of EXA AG by organizing a competitive process and supporting them in negotiating and successfully completing the transaction.

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