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Degroof Petercam (IMAP Belgium) acts as Sole Lead Manager in the Private Placement of existing shares for Deceuninck

Deceuninck is a publicly listed, international leader in providing building solutions for windows and doors, outdoor living, roofline and cladding, and interior applications

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam (IMAP Belgium) has acted as Sole Lead Manager in the Private Placement of existing shares for Deceuninck NV.

Deceuninck is a publicly listed, international leader in providing building solutions for windows and doors, outdoor living, roofline and cladding, and interior applications. The company generated a consolidated revenue of €642.2 million in FY2020 and is headquartered in Gits, Belgium.

On September 10th, 2021, Degroof Petercam acted as Sole Lead Manager by engaging in the Private Placement of existing shares of Deceuninck NV under the form of an Accelerated Bookbuild offering of€41 million. The Placement consisted of 11,768,072 shares owned by several members of the Deceuninck family. The book was largely oversubscribed, and shares were sold to existing shareholders and new institutional investors at €3.50, which represents a discount of only 7.7% compared to the closing price of €3.79.

The Degroof Petercam team, led by Stefaan Genoe and Erik De Clippel, acted as Sole Lead Manager to Deceuninck’s selling shareholders. This deal further stipulates Degroof Petercam’s expertise in the Equity Capital Markets as the book was largely oversubscribed and the shares were sold to existing shareholders and new high-quality institutional investors at a low discount.

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