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Capstone Partners Advises Natures Craft on its Sale to an Undisclosed Buyer

Natures Craft is a leading e-commerce company in the online Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements sector

Capstone Partners advised Natures Design Products, LLC dba Natures Craft, a growing provider of health & wellness products, on its sale to an undisclosed buyer.

Founded in 2013, Natures Craft is a leading e-commerce company in the online Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements (VMS) sector, offering a branded line of high-quality, affordable vitamins and supplements. The Company has established a comprehensive suite of products focused on general health, digestive support, weight loss, brain health, sexual wellness, sleep and beauty. In late 2020, it also launched its new gummy vitamin brand named Phytoral. Products are manufactured by trusted third-party GMP registered contract manufacturers and are primarily sold direct-to-consumer via Amazon (FBA).  Medkismet, Inc., the Company’s Philippines-based operations, was also sold as part of the transaction.

Meir Chapler, Co-Founder, Natures Craft, said

"The Capstone team was very professional and provided us with access to a great deal of quality buyers and firms that pay real value. We are pleased with the outcome of the process.!

Lisa Tolliver, Senior Director at Capstone, said

“It has been a privilege to represent the founders of Natures Craft at this inflection point in the Company’s history and growth trajectory. The business is well positioned for future growth and we expect the Company to continue to benefit from positive trends for the online VMS sector and robust consumer demand for wellness products. Strong M&A interest exists right now for well positioned health & wellness brands, along with high ranked FBA sellers.”

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