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Capstone Partners advised SportPet Designs, Inc. on its recapitalization with Topspin Consumer Partners

SportPet manufactures a variety of pet products, including pet furniture and recreational products, pet kennels and carriers, feeding and litter accessories

Capstone Partners advised SportPet Designs, Inc. (SportPet, the Company), a designer, manufacturer and marketer of branded and private label pet products, on its recapitalization with Topspin Consumer Partners (Topspin).

Founded in 2004 and based out of Waukesha, Wisconsin, SportPet manufactures a variety of pet products, including pet furniture and recreational products, pet kennels and carriers, feeding and litter accessories. Over the past few years, SportPet has experienced significant success operating in this higher growth consumer products category. The Company sells its products to major mass retailers in addition to selling direct to the consumer via online channels.

Topspin has partnered with the existing Owner-Operator and Founder of the Company, Adam Kellogg, who will maintain a significant ownership stake in the business and continue to lead the organization. Kellogg has extensive experience in both product development and manufacturing and has built a robust team of experienced professionals across the Company’s sales and marketing, product development, and supply chain departments.

Ted Polk, Managing Director, Capstone Partners, commented

"It has been exciting to witness the developments at SportPet over the past few years. They have positioned themselves very strongly to enjoy growth for years to come."

Adam Kellogg stated

“We have been looking for a partner to further accelerate our growth and believe that Topspin’s expertise and network will be invaluable for us as a company. This is an exciting time to be operating in the pet industry and we look forward to many more years of expansion with Topspin as our partners.”

Lisa Tolliver, Senior Director, Capstone Partners adds

“SportPet is riding the e-commerce wave and has quickly mastered selling DTC, a high growth area for the Company. We feel the business is well positioned in the pet products segment and has a very bright future in front of it.”


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