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Capstone Partners Advised Mountain States Sheet Metal on its Sale to a Strategic Buyer

Mountain States Sheet Metal is one of the most reputable and versatile steel fabricators in the U.S. specializing in technical, complex, mission critical assemblies in heavy plate, steel structures and light gauge HVAC for commercial and industrial retrofits, exhaust systems and clean air systems

Capstone Partners advised Mountain States Sheet Metal (MSSM), a premier fabricator and installation contractor with best in class capabilities, on its sale to a strategic buyer.

Established in 1966, MSSM is one of the most reputable and versatile steel fabricators in the U.S. specializing in technical, complex, mission critical assemblies in heavy plate, steel structures and light gauge HVAC for commercial and industrial retrofits, exhaust systems and clean air systems. MSSM serves the power generation market across all sectors Including gas, coal, nuclear, wind, and solar as well as various government agencies, engineering firms, and general contractors both In the U.S. and Internationally.

Rene Brown, General Manager and Vice President, Mountain States Sheet Metal, commented

"In spite of the challenges raised by COVID-19, the Capstone team guided us to a successful transaction and served as a trusted advisor throughout the entire process. Capstone found us a partner that will be good stewards of our business and take care of our employees, which was very important to us as a second-generation family business."

Darin Good, Managing Director at Capstone Partners, added

“It has been a privilege to represent the Brown family and the successful business they’ve built over the last six decades. Mountain States Sheet Metal is a market leader with state-of-the-art equipment and unmatched capabilities. The Company is well-positioned for future growth with strong tailwinds in the power generation markets.”

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