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IMAP Sweden advises Källström Engineering Systems on sale to Beijer Tech

Källström designs and produces equipment for filling, mixing, and handling of corrosive liquids, primarily for the international battery industry. The company has a high degree of technical expertise with nearly 30 years of experience from the industry and a well-established brand with long-term customer relationships.

Beijer Alma’s subsidiary Beijer Tech has today signed an agreement to acquire 85.6 percent of the shares in Källström Engineering Systems AB (“Källström”) The acquisition is expected to be finalized during the third quarter of 2021.

Källström designs and produces equipment for filling, mixing, and handling of corrosive liquids, primarily for the international battery industry. The company has a high degree of technical expertise with nearly 30 years of experience from the industry and a well-established brand with long-term customer relationships. 

Staffan Johansson, President of Beijer Tech, comments on the transaction: “I’m impressed with the market position Källström has established, with a large share of international sales, and I’m pleased that we have made this acquisition. Källström is a well-managed niche company and provides Beijer Tech with a new product area in a sector with an exciting future.”

Following the transaction, the three former owners will remain as operating minority owners to further develop the business together with Beijer Tech. In connection with the transaction, Anders Källström, Managing Director of Källström, has chosen to take a new role as Technology Manager and to hand over the role of Managing Director to Jim Sandberg, the company’s current Construction Manager. The company’s third owner, Bo Johansson, will remain in his current role as Sales Manager.

Anders Källström comments on the transaction: “We look forward to continuing to develop our operations together with Beijer Tech. Through Beijer Tech, we are convinced that we have found the right strategic partner for the company’s long-term development and future growth.”

Henrik Perbeck, President of Beijer Alma comments on the transaction: “Through the acquisition of Källström, Beijer Tech continues its strategy of acquiring attractive companies in interesting niches with increasing value add.”

IMAP Sweden advised the sellers throughout the process.

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