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IMAP advises the shareholders of Absolute Bikes GmbH on the sale to FIELDS Group

Absolut Bikes, founded in 1993, is a leading B2B e-commerce wholesaler of bicycle parts and accessories

Absolut Bikes, a leading B2B e-commerce wholesaler of bicycle parts and accessories, accelerates its international expansion plan. Its founder Kai Stemann has sold his shares in the company to FIELDS Group and will remain managing director for an agreed transitional period.

Absolut Bikes, founded in 1993, is a leading B2B e-commerce wholesaler of bicycle parts and accessories. From its headquarters in Ostfildern near Stuttgart, Germany, it daily ships to more than 2.500 online and offline bicycle shops throughout Europe. Its proprietary B2B platform enables a strong customer focus with benchmark service levels in the bicycle market.

FIELDS Group is an entrepreneurial and hands-on investor with offices in Munich and Amsterdam. It focuses on acquiring and further developing growing companies with potential.

„With FIELDS Group we have found a partner with relevant experience in further professionalizing our organization and prepare for further growth in selected European countries. The company will greatly benefit from their market know-how especially in the Benelux countries”, explains the managing director and previous owner. „IMAP's support has always been outstanding throughout the project, both professionally and personally. Entrepreneurial competence paired with remarkable M&A expertise and international access helped a lot to bring negotiations to success.”

René van der Velden, CEO of FIELDS Group, underlines the commitment and the international expansion strategy: „Absolut Bikes with its digital only strategy and setup has a very differentiating proposition compared to other wholesalers in this growth market. The company is very successful and well positioned to play a pivoting role in the consolidation of the European bicycle parts market. We are very excited to be able to partner with Kai and his outstanding team.”

The IMAP team consisting of Torsten Denker, Isabella Böing and Mehmet Koc exclusively advised the shareholders of Absolutes Bikes GmbH during a structured M&A process and supported them in negotiating and successfully closing the transaction.

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