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Vitale & Co. advised D.M.O. Pet Care S.r.l. on sale to PI4 S.à r.l.

Pet Care S.r.l. is an Italian leading company in the pet food and care sector with over 230 Isola dei Tesori stores

PI4 S.à r.l., investment vehicle controlled by Peninsula and co-participated by Azimut Libera Impresa, has signed a binding agreement for the acquisition of 75% of D.M.O. Pet Care S.r.l., an Italian leading company in the pet food and care sector with over 230 Isola dei Tesori stores.

The transaction also includes a capital increase in favour of the Company to pursue important growth objectives, both organic and through targets acquisitions, together with the development of business lines of high strategic importance, continuing the success story started by the founding family.

Following the transaction, the new corporate structure will see PI4 S.à r.l. gaining control of the Company, alongside the Celeghin family, CEO Stefano Di Bella and other Managers.

Founded in 2000 and part of the D.M.O. Group, owned by the Celeghin family, Isola dei Tesori is active in the Italian pet care market with the logic of modern trade, guaranteeing an assortment of high-quality products and a wide range of specialized services. Isola dei Tesori has also distinguished itself in the sector for its innovative concept of one-stop-shop, which combines the sale of products dedicated to the specific needs of animals with a range of services for the care, hygiene, and beauty of pets. The Company reported a turnover of approximately €135 million in 2019.

Vitale acted as sell advisor, assisting DMO



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