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IMAP Portugal advises EXIAR JSC on the Judicial Reorganization Plan for Fertilizantes Heringer

IMAP Portugal acted as Advisor to the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance Joint Stock Company (“EXIAR JSC”) on the Judicial Reorganization Plan for Fertilizantes Heringer.

IMAP is pleased to announce that Fertilizantes Heringer, a Brazilian listed company operating in the fertilizers sector, received approval for its Judicial Reorganization Plan.

IMAP Portugal acted as Advisor to the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance Joint Stock Company (“EXIAR JSC”) on the Judicial Reorganization Plan for Fertilizantes Heringer.

EXIAR JSC was established as a specialized state institution to support Russian exports through the provision of a range of export credit and investment insurance products. It is Russia’s national export credit agency (ECA) and was built from the ground up as a result of a push by the Russian government in late 2011, to step up the development and implementation of its export support program.

EXIAR JSC contacted IMAP Portugal for this project after having provided credit insurance coverage to Russian suppliers of Fertilizantes Heringer to sustain the shipments of phosphate related products.

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