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Capstone recognized as leader in M&A, Corporate Restructuring, and Debt Advisory by ACQ5 Global

Capstone was honored to be the recipient of a total of four firm awards

Capstone Headwaters was named U.S. Middle Market “Investment Bank of the Year” by ACQ5 Magazine during their 2020 Global M&A Awards.

Since inception, the ACQ5 Global Awards have been celebrating achievement, innovation and brilliance in their annual program, taking the ultimate step in the search for the most outstanding organisations & professionals across the globe and celebrate the best in achievement, ability and performance.

Capstone was honored to be the recipient of a total of four firm awards:

Investment Bank of the Year, Middle Market, U.S.
Investment Bank of the Year, Cross Border, U.S.
Corporate Restructuring Advisory Firm of the Year, U.S.
Debt Financing Advisory Firm of the Year, Middle Market, U.S.

John Ferrara, Founder & CEO of Capstone, commented

“We are honored and humbled to be recognized by ACQ5 Magazine and especially for our efforts in building our Corporate Restructuring and Advisory capabilities.  We take great pride in our clients, employees and leadership team, all of whom make each success story possible. As we navigate this unprecedented environment, we continue with unyielding devotion to serve as trusted partners.  

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