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Capstone Headwaters advises StratoZen on its sale to ConnectWise

StratoZen, Inc. bridges the gap between traditional in-house cybersecurity and legacy outsourced MSSP (managed security service provider) options.

Capstone Headwaters advised StratoZen, Inc., on its sale to ConnectWise, LLC, a portfolio company of Thoma Bravo, LLC.  Strong and Hanni served as legal counsel to the Company on the transaction.

StratoZen, based in Salt Lake City, Utah, utilizes an industry leading SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response) technology platform to provide managed security services including (Co)Managed SIEM, SIEM-as-a-Service, SOC-as-a-Service, and Proactive Defense services to nearly 1,000 organizations on six continents, processing over 20 billion security events every day.  StratoZen’s capabilities bolster ConnectWise’s united IT management platform for technology solution providers (TSPs).     

StratoZen CEO Kevin Prince commented

“Working with Capstone enabled us to achieve an optimal result in all facets of the transaction.  In-depth industry knowledge, outstanding process execution, and skilled negotiating enabled us to complete a fantastic transaction with a highly strategic buyer.  We are very excited about the potential for accelerated growth and success as part of ConnectWise.”     

Tom McConnell, Managing Director at Capstone Headwaters, noted that,

“Kevin and his team were great to work with.  In leveraging automation to both improve client outcomes and efficiently scale the business, they provide an extraordinary case study for entrepreneurs in the fast-growing cyber security industry.  StratoZen’s team, technology and loyal customer base will be highly accretive to ConnectWise.  Congratulations to all involved.”

Managing Director David Brinkley added

“In an extremely competitive environment, StratoZen relentlessly focused on enhancing their core competencies, transforming SOAR capabilities across a broad range of industries. It was a privilege representing the entire StratoZen team and we look forward to the acceleration of the combined business at ConnectWise.”

Jason Magee, CEO, ConnectWise, said 

“StratoZen’s offerings are going to help bring the cybersecurity silos of chaos under control for TSPs around the world, and we’re thrilled to have Kevin and the entire team join the ConnectWise family. We’re excited about what the future holds, and we appreciate Capstone’s assistance in making the deal come to fruition.”

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