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Capstone Headwaters advises Backbone Consultants on its acquisition by CynergisTek, Inc.

Backbone Consultants has developed a strong expertise in the areas of cybersecurity, IT audit, and data privacy. Backbone has been successful in building a strong client base that consists of multiple Fortune 1,000 companies.

Capstone Headwaters advised Backbone Consultants (“Backbone” or “the Company”), an industry leader in IT risk advisory services, on its acquisition by CynergisTek, Inc. (“CynergisTek”), a leader in cybersecurity, privacy, and compliance. 

Backbone Consultants has progressively built its reputation on delivering premium quality Information Technology (IT) Risk Advisory Services while supplying best-in-class customer service to its business partners. Originally established by Walter Zuniga in 2008, the Company has developed a strong expertise in the areas of cybersecurity, IT audit, and data privacy. Backbone has been successful in building a strong client base that consists of multiple Fortune 1,000 companies.

CynergisTek is a top-ranked cybersecurity, privacy, and compliance management consulting firm dedicated to serving the healthcare industry. CynergisTek offers specialized services and solutions to help organizations achieve privacy, security, and compliance goals. Since 2004, the company has served as a partner to hundreds of healthcare organizations and is dedicated to supporting and educating the industry by contributing to relevant industry associations. The Company has been named in numerous research reports as one of the top firms that organizations turn to for privacy and security, and won the 2017 Best in KLAS award for Cybersecurity Advisory Services.

Walter Zuniga, Managing Partner at Backbone Consultants, said 

“Our highly skilled security, IT audit, and data privacy professionals will be a perfect fit within CynergisTek where our customers and employees will see an immediate benefit from CynergisTek’s national presence. We look forward to continuing our success in the cybersecurity, IT audit, and privacy compliance market as we utilize the strengths of CynergisTek.”

Walter Zuniga also added, “The Capstone team worked closely with us through each step of the transaction process to identify and position with the strongest strategic partners and to ultimately achieve an optimal transaction.  We benefitted greatly from the team’s industry expertise and transactional experience.”

Capstone Managing Director Tom McConnell commented

“The Backbone partners’ exceptional team dynamics created an outstanding organizational culture and deep set of trusted advisor relationships with very large enterprises.  The combination with CynergisTek will propel the combined organization forward.  It was a pleasure to work with the executives on both sides of the table to achieve this win-win outcome.”    

Caleb Barlow, CEO and President of CynergisTek, added

“Backbone Consultants’ suite of services will immediately complement our entire portfolio as well as provide additional IT risk audit services and GDPR readiness, preparing us for the opportunity with the California Consumer Privacy Act. We will look to leverage CynergisTek’s existing client base to cross-sell our services, leverage our back office to bring more efficiency and support to the Backbone team, and look to convert Backbone’s annual audits into a managed service. We’re thrilled that Backbone is part of CynergisTek and are excited to support its continued growth, customers, and employees.”

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