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IMAP Netherlands announces new Partner

Guillaume Petit [37] will be a partner at IMAP Netherlands as of 1 January 2019.

IMAP Netherlands are delighted to announce the appointment of a new  partner. Guillaume Petit joined IMAP as partner as of January 1, 2019.  Prior to IMAP Guillaume worked at EY Transaction Advisory Services for over 13 years and in his last position was responsible for EY's M&A practice in Rotterdam. 

Guillaume has more than 13 years of deal making experience in the mid-market segment, particularly in the sale of companies with a transaction value of up to €250 million. In addition to sales projects, he was frequently involved in MBOs and MBIs, valuations, raising capital from private equity firms and private private investors. He has advised on various domestic and cross-border transactions involving private, - family, - and listed companies as well as private equity investors.

Guillaume has a strong affinity with sectors such as transport & logistics, maritime and oil & gas/offshore, and in particular the suppliers to the oil & gas industry. For example, in 2015, 2016 and 2017 he was responsible for the publication "Dutch Oilfield Services Analysis" on behalf of EY and a guest speaker at the IRO, among others. 

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