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IMAP advised DBAG portfolio company Pfaudler on the sale of Julius Montz GmbH to Koch-Glitsch

IMAP advised the Pfaudler Group, an international manufacturer of enameled components for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, on the sale of Julius Montz GmbH to Koch-Glitsch.

IMAP advised the Pfaudler Group, an international manufacturer of enameled components for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, on the sale of Julius Montz GmbH to Koch-Glitsch. With the sale of all shares in Montz, the portfolio company of Deutsche Beteiligungs AG is concentrating on its core business.

Julius Montz GmbH is a leading supplier of mass transfer solutions such as structured packings and trays, and process systems for the chemical, fine chemical, oleochemical, and pharmaceutical industries—with specialized capabilities in green technology, renewables, alcohol, food, and solvent recovery. With over 100 employees at its headquarters in Hilden, Germany, and a location for process engineering and engineering in Landau, Germany, Montz is one of the leading specialists in its field.

With the acquisition of Montz, Koch-Glitsch strengthens its market presence in the field of thermal separation technology and gains access to Montz's highly complementary product and service portfolio. Koch-Glitsch is a subsidiary of Koch Industries, one of the world's largest privately held companies with approximately 120,000 employees and sales of more than USD 110bn. By leveraging their market knowledge and competitive advantage, both companies complement each other perfectly and create real value for their customers. The acquisition will also enhance Koch-Glitsch's growth opportunities through Montz's expertise in second-generation bioethanol production processes.

Karl Fesenmeyer, Dr. Burkhard Weber, Carl-Benedict Schmucker, and Ulrich Keesen of IMAP exclusively advised the Pfaudler Group in all phases of the structured transaction process.

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