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IMAP Italy (Vitale & Co.) advised the shareholders of Società e Salute S.p.A. in the sale of the majority of the share capital to L-GAM.

L-GAM – private equity firm participated by the Liechtenstein Royal family as well as by other important European, American and Asian entrepreneurial families – has signed an agreement to acquire the majority of Società e Salute S.p.A., holding of Centro Medico Santagostino

L-GAM – private equity firm participated by the Liechtenstein Royal family as well as by other important European, American and Asian entrepreneurial families – has signed an agreement to acquire the majority of Società e Salute S.p.A., holding of Centro Medico Santagostino, network of diagnostic centres supplying medical care services at affordable prices in Milan, Brescia and Bologna.

In 2019 Centro Medico Santagostino will generate revenues for €39.6m, growing 29% with respect to 2018, with 20 diagnostic centres (18 in the Milan area, 1 in Bologna and 1 in Brescia), 440,000 cumulative patients since 2009 and 1,018 specialists.

IMAP Italy (Vitale&Co) assisted the shareholders of Società e Salute S.p.A. in the sale of the majority of the share capital to L-GAM.

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