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IMAP Italy (Vitale & Co.) advised Fluidmec on sale to Rubix Group

IMAP Italy (Vitale & Co.) advised Fluidmec on sale to Rubix Group, controlled by US investment fund Advent International

Rubix is the European leader in the supply of industrial maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) products and services with annual revenues of over €2b, created following the merger of the Brammer Group and the IPH Group.

Fluidmec, founded in 1970 in Brescia by Vittorio Piantoni and subsequently managed by his son Daniele and daughter Francesca, is a company active in Northern Italy in the distribution of hydraulic and pneumatic components. The acquisition has been carried out through Rubix controlled company Minetti S.p.A. (acquired between 2015 and 2018) and aims to support the expansion strategy in the Italian market as well as the sector consolidation plan through the acquisition of some of the most important European players in the market.

Vitale&Co acted as a sell-side advisor assisting Fluidmec shareholders defining the structure and the terms of transaction, managing the due diligence activities and negotiating the agreement with the counterpart.

Francesca and Daniele Piantoni will maintain their managing role within the Company, supporting its future value creation in the context of a new international Group.

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