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Degroof Petercam IMAP Belgium advises non-invasive technical orthopedics specialist V!GO on sale to Ottobock

Since its foundation in 1956, V!GO has grown to become the leading Belgian specialist in non-invasive technical orthopedics.

IMAP Belgium (Degroof Petercam) is pleased to announce that the family shareholders of V!GO International NV (“V!GO”) completed the sale of 100% of V!GO’s shares to Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA (“Ottobock”).

Since its foundation in 1956, V!GO has grown to become the leading Belgian specialist in non-invasive technical orthopedics. Market leader in Belgium, it has also developed an important market presence in Poland. V!GO operates 17 patient care centers in Belgium and 12 in Poland, from which it services patients with individually fitted orthoses, prosthetics, and wheelchairs. The company collaborates closely with hospitals, care facilities and rehabilitation centers in both countries. Vigo’s recent annual revenue reached over €70 million and it has 500 employees.

Ottobock is an international med-tech company and global market leader in prosthetics, who (until now) did not offer patient care in Belgium. In Poland, they were already active with 3 centers. Ottobock is very pleased with the acquisition, as V!GO significantly strengthens their Patient Care network in Europe.

The family shareholders of V!GO mandated IMAP Belgium as exclusive financial adviser to sell 100% of the V!GO share capital. Once more, this transaction underlines IMAP Belgium’s expertise in the Healthcare sector and its ability to service family business owners in realizing their ambitions.

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