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IMAP advises Blesk InCare on sale to Elis

IMAP Russia (Advance Capital) acted as the Sellers’ exclusive financial advisor.

IMAP is pleased to announce completion of the sale of Blesk InCare, a leading mat rental and laundry services provider in Russia with five processing facilities. Elis, an international multi-service provider offering textile, hygiene and facility services across Europe and Latin America, acquired Blesk InCare’s mats business to expand its portfolio in Russia.

IMAP Russia (Advance Capital) acted as the Sellers’ exclusive financial advisor.

Evgeny Antipov, Managing Director at Advance Capital, said

“This is our second transaction with Blesk InCare, and we are happy with this long-term cooperation with this company. This deal serves as confirmation of the continued interest international investors have to enter and increase their exposure to the Russian servicing companies focused on the private sector.”

Maxim Uryash, Executive Director at Advance Capital, commented

“Acquisition of Blesk InCare by Elis will definitely become a landmark transaction for the Russian mat service market. With the purchase of Blesk InCare, a new global player enters the Russian B2B service market. We expect the arrival of a new foreign investor – Elis, one of the global market leaders in B2B services, to bring the competition in this sector to a new level and give new momentum to the development of the sector.”

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