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IMAP advised the shareholders of the Food & Service Group on the sale to Finatem Beteiligungsgesellschaft

Financial investor Steadfast Capital has sold its shares in the Food & Service Group, a successful food service delivery wholesaler supplying customers from the gastronomy and trade, to Finatem Beteiligungsgesellschaft.

Financial investor Steadfast Capital has sold its shares in the Food & Service Group, a successful food service delivery wholesaler supplying customers from the gastronomy and trade, to Finatem Beteiligungsgesellschaft. Finatem, based in Frankfurt, is a leading, independent private equity investor with a focus on the German SME sector.

The company was founded in 1960 as a family business, whose members have been working in the management ever since. Being a food service delivery wholesaler with company headquarters in Muelheim an der Ruhr, the company has specialized in the just-in-time delivery to fast food and gastronomy businesses with a focus on North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition to its own award-winning meat and sausage products, the portfolio also includes purchased complementary products from the snack and gastronomy sector, and currently comprises approx. 4,000 articles.

The current management team will remain with the company and plans to successfully continue the buy and build strategy with Finatem.

"We are convinced that Food & Service Group will be in good hands. The company has a clear strategy and is well prepared for future challenges", explains Marco Bernecker, Managing Partner at Steadfast Capital. "IMAP has proven to be a valuable and reliable partner throughout the entire process due to its market knowledge and commitment". 

The IMAP team around Dr. Carsten Lehmann, Torsten Denker, Alessandro Cornelli and Tim Buttelmann exclusively structured the M&A process. This project marks the second successful transaction in the food wholesale sector for IMAP M&A Consultants AG since 2018 after advising the shareholders of PROHOGA Group on the investment of the Rieker family office.

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