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Degroof Petercam named ’Belgium’s Best Investment Bank 2019’ by Euromoney

The award for Best Investment Bank rewards Degroof Petercam’s in-depth global expertise and network in the Belgian corporate and investment banking market.

Degroof Petercam was awarded the Euromoney Award for Excellence and named ‘Belgium’s Best Investment Bank 2019’ at a ceremony in London. 

The award for Best Investment Bank rewards Degroof Petercam’s in-depth global expertise and network in the Belgian corporate and investment banking market. The jury consisting of Euromoney's editors and journalists, in conjunction with Euromoney’s own market knowledge and research, confirmed the group’s leading position with its unique offering combining the full range of corporate finance advisory and Financial Markets services.

François Wohrer, Group Head of Investment Banking at Degroof Petercam, said

“Our clients appreciate to partner with an investment expert who not only offers best in class corporate finance advice, but who is also able to complete financial transactions through an unrivalled research and placement capacity. Moreover, our human scale and proprietary network in Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Spain, combined with the international network of IMAP, enables us to service our clients all over the world. I would like to seize this opportunity to thank our clients for their trust, as well as our teams for their commitment.”


About Euromoney

Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence have been running far more than a quarter of a century. They represent the ultimate accolade for banks and investment banks. Last year Euromoney received 1,000+ award submissions from candidates from all over the world. However, only those institutions that bring the highest levels of service, innovation and expertise to their customers are recognized. Through its Awards for Excellence, Euromoney recognizes banks and investment banks that can demonstrate an ability to deliver all the different parts of their firms for their clients. Winners are truly world-class in the way they are run and in the services that they deliver.  

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