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Capstone Headwaters advises Sterling Card Solutions on its acquisition by Acuity Capital

Sterling Card Solutions is a leader in custom plastic card printing solutions for various industries, including gift cards, hotel key cards, ID cards, phone cards and more.

Capstone Headwaters advised Sterling Card Solutions, a specialized gift card manufacturer, on its acquisition by Acuity Capital.  Terms of the deal were not disclosed.    

Sterling Card Solutions is a leader in custom plastic card printing solutions for various industries, including gift cards, hotel key cards, ID cards, phone cards and more. Sterling has an onsite art department as well as other value-added components to complement their physical printing services.  Targeting small and medium enterprises, they are able to provide smaller businesses with the same type of gift card solutions previously only available to larger, national chains.

Acuity Capital Partners, LLC (“Acuity”), founded in 2006 in Chicago, Illinois, is a private equity firm specializing in acquisitions of lower middle market and mature companies.  Acuity invests in closely held private companies and creates shareholder value by leveraging strengths in strategy, operations and corporate finance with Management’s execution capabilities.

Todd McMahon, Managing Director at Capstone Headwaters, commented 

“It was a great outcome for the client as they found the right partner in Acuity.  With this new partnership in place we’re confident that Sterling’s growth will only continue and accelerate” 

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