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New IMAP office opens in Stockholm

On July 1st, 2018 IMAP Sweden opened a new sales office in Stockholm. With HQ in Halmstad and two sales offices in Gothenburg and Stockholm IMAP will cover the most important regions in Sweden.

Bengt Jönsson partner at IMAP Sweden, said

“The Stockholm region is a very lucrative and active market, where we see an increasing demand for our services. We have already received a strong reputation through many of our successful projects and aim to benefit from these. In Stockholm we will mostly be focusing on improving our presence in the fast growing IT sector as well as building up a closer relation to the larger frequent buyers as well as the PE groups and large multi-national companies. Andreas Anderberg and Robert Svensson will be responsible for the establishment and the development of the activities in Stockholm. "

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Združitve in prevzemi v mid-market segmentu so svet priložnosti, s tem pa je povezano tudi morje možnosti in spreminjajočih se dejavnikov. Vaš svetovalec je kompas. Kontaktirajte nas za neobvezujoč posvet s strokovnjakom za združitve in prevzeme, ki bo pozorno prisluhnil vašim pomislekom in pošteno ter nepristransko ocenil najboljšo pot naprej.
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