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Capital West Advises IPAC Chemicals & Power Chemicals on Sale to DuBois Chemicals

Capital West Partners acted as exclusive financial advisor to IPAC Chemicals & Power Chemicals on this transaction.

Founded in 1976 in Vancouver, BC, IPAC Chemicals & Power Chemicals are market leading providers of unique specialty chemicals for the mining and sulphur industries. In addition, the Companies offer a suite of water treatment chemicals for commercial and industrial building owners. The Companies are known for proprietary and innovative products, and over the years have built a base of marquee customers in Western Canada and abroad.

DuBois Chemicals, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio is a full service specialty chemical company, developing and manufacturing chemicals for several different end markets. Founded in 1920, DuBois has made numerous, complimentary add-on acquisitions. The acquisition of IPAC Chemicals & Power Chemicals gives DuBois a presence in Western Canada and adds additional specialty chemicals to its overall product offering.

Capital West Partners acted as exclusive financial advisor to IPAC Chemicals & Power Chemicals on this transaction.

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