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IMAP advises owners of Kohl group on the sale of three divisions to acquisition consortium of Endurance Capital and AL-KO KOBER

Endurance Capital AG and AL-KO KOBER SE will jointly acquire the three divisions Automotive, Metal Parts Manufacturing and Railway Technology division of the Cologne-based metal processing company Kohl-Gruppe AG.

Endurance Capital AG and AL-KO KOBER SE will jointly acquire the Automotive, Metal Parts Manufacturing and Railway Technology divisions of the Cologne-based metal processing company Kohl-Gruppe AG. The acquisition consortium formed for this purpose, Mettec Holding GmbH, will acquire the corresponding shares and real estate in Eisenach and Treuenbrietzen as part of a carve-out. Subject to approval by the relevant antitrust authorities, the sale process is to be completed in the current year 2017.

The Cologne-based Kohl-Gruppe AG is a company with a long tradition in metal processing, focusing on the development and production of high-quality formed parts and assemblies. With approximately 1,000 employees, the company achieved sales of approximately €75 million in 2016. In the 3 divisions that have now been sold, the company generated sales of just under €110 million and had 620 employees, of which nearly 80% were in the automotive sector.

In the future, Kohl-Gruppe AG will focus on metal forming in the industrial sector. Endurance Capital AG, headquartered in Munich, is a medium-sized holding company specializing in investing in companies in special situations. AL-KO KOBER SE, founded in 1931 in Großkötz near Günzburg in Bavaria and Swabia, is one of the world's leading suppliers of automotive engineering, gardening equipment and ventilation technology, with a total of 45 locations and approximately 4,000 employees.

Under the umbrella of the acquisition company Mettec Holding GmbH, the three divisions of the Kohl Group are to be clearly and strategically positioned and the prerequisites will be created in order to further develop them independently in the medium term. "We are pleased that we have found new shareholders in Endurance Capital and AL-KO, who have many years of experience in the mid-market manufacturing sector and have proven that they can successfully acquire and further develop companies in succession situations," says Volker Kempa, Spokesman of the Management Board and Shareholder of the Kohl Group.

The IMAP team consisting of Dr. Joachim Koch and Lisa Haug advised the seller on the implementation of the structured sales process.


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