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IMAP in Germany advised founder of THG Baugesellschaft on the sale of shares to EUROVIA / VINCI S.A.

As part of its succession planning, the Founder and Managing Partner of THG Baugesellschaft mbH, Rainer Klinkhammer, has sold company shares to EUROVIA GmbH (Germany).

As part of its succession planning, the Founder and Managing Partner of THG Baugesellschaft mbH, Rainer Klinkhammer, has sold company shares to EUROVIA GmbH (Germany). He remains Managing Partner of the company, headquartered in Dahlem, Germany. Founded in 1989, THG is a construction company specializing in the establishing and modernization of railway tracks, focused in the North-Rhine Westphalia region. With approximately 60 employees, THG generated revenues of €17 million in 2016.

EUROVIA, a member of the French VINCI Group, is a leading global company in the development, construction and maintenance of traffic routes, with revenues of € 7.5 billion. The German subsidiary EUROVIA GmbH is represented inmore than 100 locations, with 3,200 employees and generated revenues of €737 million in 2016.

With its participation in THG, which will be completed within the next few weeks, EUROVIA strengthens its track construction activities, which are already established in 8 countries worldwide under the name ETF. The transaction was made  in view of the planned investments in the renewal of the railway infrastructure in Germany over the next ten years.

With EUROVIA, IMAP was able to find a strategic investor for THG, who wants to further expand their capacities at location, whilst relying on a strong regional presence and extensive operational independence at its decentrally organized business units.

The shareholders of THG were exclusively advised by the IMAP in Germany team, consisting of Johannes Eckhard, Nils Keller and Phillippe Honsberg.

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