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IMAP advises on the acquisition of a manufacturer of equipment for the aviation industry

In addition to its own product range, Mafelec SAS, Chimilin, France, has taken over Comtronic GmbH ("Comtronic") based in Schönau, Germany.

In addition to its own product range, Mafelec SAS, Chimilin, France, has taken over Comtronic GmbH ("Comtronic") based in Schönau, Germany. The acquisition of one of the market leaders in the cockpit segment complements Mafelec's product range with system elements, keyboards and display devices in the aircraft sector.

The Mafelec Group is an independent, family-owned company specializing in the manufacture and development of innovative solutions for control and signal elements in harsh environments. With its products, the Mafelec Group is one of the leading manufacturers of electromechanical components, subunits and equipment in the fields of railway engineering, defense technology, industrial vehicles, elevators, buses, aerospace and energy technology.

Commenting on the transaction, Gilles Heinrich, CEO, said: "Comtronic perfectly complements our portfolio, both technologically and regionally and is an important element in our growth strategy, which also includes further acquisitions in Europe. IMAP's support is very important to us."

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