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Deal Announcement - Logistics - Danser Group

IMAP Netherlands advises leading independent container logistics solutions provider Danser Group on sale to Blue Ocean Capital. Deal Overview IMAP is pleased to announce that Blue Ocean Capital (“BOC”), a European port infrastructure specialist investment firm, is acquiring Danser Group, a leading independent container logistics solutions provider. The transaction is expected to close in March 2022.

Danser is a leading independent container logistics solutions provider in Northwest Europe, offering multimodal logistics solutions such as barge, rail, truck, project, and additional services. Danser transported more than 1.6 million TEU in 2021.

Blue Ocean Capital, founded in 2015 and based in England and The Netherlands, is an investment firm with dedicated investment strategies towards transportation infrastructure and logistics real estate. BOC is founded on extensive industry experience and a culture of disciplined risk management. BOC’s team consists of seasoned industry professionals with experience from managing port infrastructure and logistics assets.

The CEO of Danser, Ben Maelissa, commented: “We are pleased to have been part of developing Danser into its current leading position. It is a benefit for Danser’s future growth that new owners and capital are added to the company which will support Danser as an independent operator in this market.” Maarten van der Valk, Managing Director, said: “Thanks to this step we are able to continue, guarantee and further expand our services to customers and network partners.”

The global inland water transport market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.0% through 2025. An important growth driver for the inland water transport market is the increased modal shift from truck to barge, due to increasing road congestion. In addition, the role of the inland shipping sector is expected to become more pronounced in light of the increased focus on more sustainable ways of transport. This development will likely be further accelerated by new technologies for barges running on biofuels, hybrid, electricity and/or hydrogen. The market perspective is further supported by a strong economic outlook, boosting demand in the container transport market.

IMAP Netherlands continues to exhibit and expand its experience and strong track-record in the transport and logistics market, bringing knowledge of the most recent trends and developments in the sector. IMAP Netherlands leveraged its M&A expertise and sector knowledge to achieve attractive transaction terms and conditions with a suitable growth partner.

The IMAP Netherlands team, consisting of Remco Schouten, Cees van Vliet and Wouter Mostert, advised and supported the shareholders of Danser on the sale to BOC.

The CFO of Danser Group, Mr. Erik Biesheuvel, commented: "Looking back on the intensive collaboration over the past period, we can without a doubt conclude that we are happy with choosing IMAP Netherlands. As advisors to the shareholders, the IMAP team supported us in both a professional and personal way, guiding us through the entire process. We are grateful for the good and pleasant cooperation."

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