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Deal Announcement - Technology - SQL

SYSCO has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares in Swedish managed services company, SQL Service Nordic AB “SQL Service”. Founded in 2009, SQL Service is a Microsoft expert which delivers monitoring, maintenance and expertise services on SQL Server, Power BI and Azure. The company, and it’s 21 highly skilled employees, is based in Stockholm.

At SQL Service, personnel have on average 17 years of database experience in the Microsoft environment. The company is a Microsoft certified Gold partner and the ideal supplier for those who use Microsoft SQL Server for their business-critical systems, require advanced databases and the best performance, need high security, scalability and accurate analysis, and are looking for smart solutions for everything from data centers and the cloud.

SYSCO's mission is to create digital success stories for its customers by means of deep industry knowledge in conjunction with heavy cutting-edge expertise in technology. The company delivers smart applications, extremely skilled consultants and specialized monitoring of businesscritical databases and IT infrastructures in the Energy industry. With this acquisition, SYSCO is continuing its growth momentum by further strengthening its international operations.

The IMAP Sweden team advised SQL Service on the sale. Robert Svensson, Director at IMAP Sweden, commented: “We look forward to continuing to follow the companies combined journey and we are pleased that SQL Service can now fulfil its ambition to become a leading Nordic specialist in SQL Servers. A big thank you to Steinar, Tina and Håkan for their confidence in us to run the sales process for SQL Service.”

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